Wednesday, June 5, 2013

To E-read or not to E-read, that is the question

 We live in an electronic world. Therefore, today's students are the products of a technological environment that is not represented in the education system. Schools have been slow to integrate technology into the classroom to try and keep the kids focused on the lesson and not their phones.

 The Nook, a product from Barnes & Noble, is just one of the many possible devices that have been brought into the classroom. Regardless of the type of e-reader used,  schools have been noticing that students become more engaged in their reading when using an e-reader. In fact, a study conducted by Scholastic, a book publishing company, showed that one third of 9-17 year old students would read more often for fun if they were using an e-reader.

 There are other benefits to e-readers as well. New studies have shown that in a sample of kindergarteners and first graders, overall word reading and word meaning comprehension was better in students reading on an e-reader as opposed to printed text.

Additional studies have shown that there is a possibility e-readers have beneficial affects on children who suffer from dyslexia, however these studies are in their preliminary stages and are currently inconclusive. The fact remains that they are now being utilized by teachers today to help these students with reading disabilities.

To read more on the beneficial affects of e-readers, here is the article I referenced for information: 

So what's my preference? 

I am, and will always be, a physical-book-person. As a Kindle owner and Nook user, I can informatively say that there is nothing like holding a book in your hands and being able to thumb through pages as you read. It's just not the same experience with an e-reader. 

In our Readers' Choice class, while I used an e-reader for the majority of  the novels, I found it harder to complete assignments that required quotes. I found that skimming through actual pages as opposed to virtual ones made it easier to find what I was looking for. But that's just me.

The one thing that the e-reader will never be able to replicate is the new book smell. It is one of the best scents in the world and anyone who tells you different is a liar. If you've never experienced the new book "high" scent, then you have been living under a rock and I suggest crawling out and joining the rest of the world.

So go on out to your nearest book store and sniff a book or two. It will change your life.

-W. Shakespeare

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